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Showing posts from November, 2009

lalalalala la la ...nanannanananna, huahahhahahaha

Who are them? Someone who i liked to use it for my photo editing. (more than enough: approximately 1 year) The First person who i liked to use it for my photo editing. (Many years enough: 5 years) Third person who i liked to use it as my photo editing. (exceedingly enough: almost 1 year, but actually not until 1 year, only for few months, because i don't like it's pose) Actually they have their own gender, name, and story, but i really don't want to put its name in this blog, why?because they are my own business and privacy, so better if i never put their name and information about them. Never, it will be ever if i want to do it.

Life love love life life love love life

Now, young generations love to talk about their own love life. For me it's nvm, because every body has their own right to feel the love. But sometimes i feel confuse with love, why? Because many people that love each other and than hate each other too, How come? From love became hate. It's so curious. But many things Better than Love. So don't just think about it, many thinks better than it..:D

Papi pulang

Yey, akhirnya bokap gw pulang ke rmh lagi. Nepatin janjinya, bkalan plg dengan kondisi bagus..:D Gw bersyukur bgt sama Tuhan, karena udh ngasih kesempatan buat kita semua utk kumpul bersama2 lagi...:D Gw sekarang lebih bersyukur lagi dalam menjalani hidup, :D Kalo emang waktunya belum mati, pasti belum mati kok....

At this point

At this point i feel so tired to life. I don't why i feel like this, but this is the truth of my life. I feel so empty.I don't have any reason to life. Gw ngerasa cape bgt sama semua yang ada di hidup ini, entah kenapa, tp gw percaya Tuhan punya rencana lain sehingga Dia ngijinin gw masih hidup di dunia ini. Gw bersyukur buat segalanya yang ada di hidup gw. At this point i want to go somewhere that can make me full of peace..:D Pas bgn tidur gw kyk ngerasa lg hidup di mimpi buruk. Knp gtu ya? Gk ngerti deh gw..banyak hal di dunia ini yang bsa untuk dimengerti tp sulit untuk di jelaskan dgn kata2. semga semuanya bsa berubah jd baik...:D Positive thinking inget The Secret..hahahha...meski gk ada hubungannya...:Pada juga deh..:D huh..... Kemarin rabu atau selasa papi operasi jantung dimskin 2 ring ke jtgnya....pas operasi sempet berhenti jantungnya, tp untungnya sekarang udh membaik...:D tp livernya...huhu.... semoga aja gk kanker hati,...amin.. cuman ada virus biasa aja....dan bs...