Iya, gw mengakui kalo gw tuh udah buat kesalahan.Tapi kan ga fatal-fatal bgt.SEmua orang juga pernah buat kesalahan kan!!! ga cuma gw doang yang pernah buat kesalahan. Tapi serius gw ga nyontek pas itu....emang sh sebelum ngerjain gw sempet baca sebentar.....tapi serius gw ga ngafalin jawabannya....serius......gw aja salah bnyak.....serius......gw ga bohong........tapi sh terserah...gmn pendapat kalian ttg gw tapi sh gw bner2 ga nyontek..terserah kalian mau percaya pa ga....
Hey ya my blog, this is my special post because Since long time ago I’ve never write something about me and this is about the Important Experience in My Life and I will share it. This is about the precious moment in my life that Jesus gives me chance to become 1 of 10 finalists Chic Star 2013. Seriously for the first time I knew that I’ve been chosen as the finalist. I feel so Shocked, Surprised and Grateful. I still remember the moment that I knew it for the first time, it was Wednesday, 13 November 2013. I was doing my assignment at my college and then My Mom called me that there was a call from Chic Magazine on my Blackberry phone which is at home. So that I told Mom to said that I’m at college now and if there’s something to talk about I beg Mom to handle it for me, and My Mom said: “it couldn’t be like that, They told me that You must handle it by yourself.” And then I said: “How can? I didn’t bring that phone.” My mom said: ”I just give them this number so that th...