Faithful is just like a dog, dog is faithful to its owner.
I like dogs very much, because of they faithful, cute, funny, clever, adorable, amazing, georgous and awesome(ah, lebay ah....wkwkwkwkwk)
Dog is a friend that always beside me when i was sad,
I still remember when my last dog (not my first dog), accompanied me when I felt bad, it was so faithful, sometimes I played with it.
A book that can makes me cry is the book with title:"Heavenly dogs Stories", it so touching my feeling..hahhahahaI like faithful,...
Faithful is one in a million...
From many boys in this world, maybe only 5 % or 10 % that faithful to their couple.
Hahaha, those only my prediction, because as far as i see that many of boys are unfaithful....
But not at all that boys are unfaithful,
there are some boys that faithful...
but many of them are unfaithful...

My last message for my first dog:
I know that we will never meet again, I will never forget you, forever in my memories,i believe that i will find a dog like you again.