I love to play online games so much. And one of many online games, I like ayo dance and etc. But in this time. I want to tell about ayodance in this posting. In this game i can play that games, but not only that, i can desigh my avatar for dance too. Ayodance player have their own avatar to play the dance, and the avatar designed by their owner. Many kind of hair, clothes, skirts, dresses, eyes, faces, shoes and etc. But now, i tell only about the avatar.
To have the good avatar, we need chose the best eyes, clothes, hair, skirts, shoes and etc, We buy it with den(kind of money in ayodance) or mi-cash(kind of money in ayodance which need rupiahs). But most of the good items, need mi-cash to buy them.
If you only want to design it without have it, you can design your creation of avatar and save it in that game. When you play it, your avatar not like your design because you don't have it. To have it you must buy it.
I created some avatars design. And you may see my designs.
Those are not all my designs, i still have many designs but i don't post it in this blog because its so many. Maybe i will post its later.