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Showing posts from April, 2009

The story that I want

The story that haven’t the final. Never ending story. That begins with the sweet things, and all of the story, full of the wonderful event. The story will be not have the final, and never have the final. If the story must have the final. I hope the final is the happy ending story.

Someone Experience

I make this message for him. I know that I’ve hurt him so much. I loved him, but I hurt him. Hmmm…..Maybe I’m so stupid in love. But maybe this is the best way, for me and him, because we never know, the time when the God will call me back to HIM. And when the time is come, I don’t want he sad because of me without know that I loved him too. I hate if someone that I love leave me alone for forever, for example: My uncle, he was the only one uncle that I’ve ever had, He died 2 years ago. And I was so sad at that time, maybe until now when I remember all of the memories of him. I don’t want to lose someone that I love. Maybe for some people, don’t be like this, don’t be like what that I did. Maybe I’m the kind of person that rather hyperbole. But I don’t really care because every person has the different type of life. I believe that he could understand me, the strange people that stupid in love. I’m so sad if he hates me. I know that, all of these happened because of my fault. I can’t ...

I hope...

Maafin gw, emang mungkin gw yg slah. Tpi semuanya itu ada alasannya. Dan gw g bsa jelasin alasannya itu ap. Gw harap dia bisa ngerti. Gw cuma pengen satu hal. We will be forever friends. Gw harap lw g benci sma gw. hmmm..... jgn tanya ini tulisan buat siapa ya?? ntar gw g bsa jwb..haahha


Demi Cinta oleh: Kerispatih Maaf.. ku telah menyakitimu Ku telah kecewakanmu Bahkan ku sia-siakan hidupku, dan kubawa kau s'perti diriku Walau hati ini t'rus menangis Menahan kesakitan ini Tapi ku lakukan semua demi cinta Akhirnya juga harus ku relakan kehilangan cinta sejatiku Segalanya t'lah ku berikan Juga semua kekuranganku Jika memang ini yang terbaik Untuk diriku dan dirinya Kan ku t'rima semua demi cinta Reff : Jujur, aku tak kuasa, saat terakhir ku genggam tanganmu Namun yang pasti terjadi, kita mungkin tak bersama lagi Bila nanti esok hariKu temukan dirimu bahagia Ijinkan aku titipkan kisah cinta kita selamanya Kecewa by Bunga Citra Lestari Sedikit waktu yang kau miliki Luangkanlah untukku Harap secepatnya datangi aku S'kali ini ku mohon padamu Ada yang ingin ku sampaikan Sempatkanlah... Hampa kesal dan amarah S'luruhnya ada dibenakku Tandai seketika Hati yang tak terbalas Oleh cintamu... Kuingin marah, melampiaskan tapi kuhanyalah sendiri disini Ingin ...


If i can feel the happyness, that i never feel before. Even it just 1 hour, i want to feel it. Feel the big Creation of GOD... Special creation from GOD... The Special one.... But now i just can feel the suffering of that. And i feel dizzy now. Confuse about that. So what should i do now? The answer is I don't know... I just want to go to somewhere that can make me relax...


I'm so confuse with my feeling right now. I want to explain with words about my feeling, But i can't. Something that really make me confuse is that... I want to get angry, but i can't... I must contol my emotion... I want to beat something, but i don't want to do that, if i do that i can be a canibal.... I want to cry, but i may not cry. This is the simple thing, very simple thing... I must can solve this problem with myself..

Gk tau..

Mau marah, g bsa marah. Mau kesel g bisa kesel. Mau ketawa g bsa ketawa. Mau nyanyi g bsa nyanyi. Mau teriak g bsa teriak. Mau main g bsa main. Mau tidur g bsa tidur. Mau ngomong, lg mls bgt, lg speechless bgt. aaaahhhh.....Life must fo on, eventhough i don't know what i want to do...


Now everything is different. I don't know why, why my life is diffrent now? But i think, I can't survive with my condition like now, full of something that i don't understand. I think, if i go to another planet, my life can change, and not like this anymore. Maybe now my life is so complicated, so many thing that i think on my mind. I need something that can make me out of these.

If i'm not i'm Part. 5

If i were a boy part. 2 Gw rasanya pengen ngerasain gmana rasanya jadi cowo. Cuma sebentar aj, cuma sehari aj, gw pengen ngerasain..hehehe Gw bersyukur Tuhan nyiptain gw sebagai seorang perempuan, tp penasaran juga sh, enak gk ya jadi cowo? apa bedanya jadi cowo sama jadi cewe? enakan mana ya? Jadi cowo atau jadi cewe? Kyknya dalam pemikiran gw, enak kali ya jadi cowo. tapi gw gtw juga sh....ya gtu dhe pkoknya. Gw bersyukur aj sama apa yang telah diberikan oleh Tuhan..

If i'm not i'm Part.4

If i were a boy... Jika gw adalah seorang cowo.... Aduh jujur dhe, gw lagi pengen jadi cowo nh...bkn berarti gw g bersyukur jadi cewe ya... tp tuh kyknya seru aj gtu jadi cowo... gampang dapet ijin ke mana2... kan biasanya tuh ya klo jadi cewe, orang tua suka bilang gini: " kamu kan cewe nak!" kan kalo anak cowo, jarang ada ortu yang bilang gini: "Kamu kan anak cowo nak!" iya kan???? mkanya itu...kyknya itu lbh enak jadi cowo dhe... lebih bebassssssssssss to be continued tomorrow...

Be honest

Jujur...hari ini gw keseeeeeeeeelllllll bgt bgt bgt.... pokoknya ada dhe yang membuat gw kesel..... Yang buat kesel itu bokap gw yang aneh bgt...... bener bener aneh bgt..... suer gw bener bener kesel sma ....... udh ssh bgt dhe buat dideskripsikan dengan kata2...pokoknya ngeselin dhe... ngeseliiiinnnnnnnnnn.....bgt bgt bgt........ iiihhh.... pokoknya keselllllllllllll...... uuuhhh..... tidak bisa dituliskan dengan kata2 lagi nh keselnya... huahuahua..................... ampun dhe.... lg super duper bad mood.... serasa dunia mau ancur...huaahahahahhaa hiperbola Stau gw sh ya........ ya pokoknya sh ya..intinya itu: KAPAN PUN DAN DIMANAPUN KALO UDAH WAKTUNYA MATI YA MATI G AD YANG BISA MENCEGAH KEMATIAN... THAT'S ALL.... AAAAAHHHHH........ POKOKNYA INTINYA GW KESEL... UDAH ITU AJ....

How will i know Lyric-Keke Palmer

How Will I Know lyrics [Verse 1:] I know there is something that I'm feeling But I can't quite put it into words It's got me hopin hopin that you feelin it too Cause for me it's a first Does anyone truly understand what real love is about Don't say I'm too young to know what's real My heart skips a beatI can hardly breathe Every time that he comes near It's so amazing almost crazy howI'm thinkin bout you lately Tell me how in the world did it come to this It took me by surprise When you opened my eyes To hopefully show me what love is [Chorus:] How will I know Could it be the butterflies I feel whenever I'm with you How will I know Or the way I'm at a loss of words I can hardly keep my cool How will I know Everyday now stop stop stop I keep thinkin bout you How will I know I'm in love How will I know Could it be the butterflies I feel whenever I'm with you How will I know Or the way I'm at a loss of words I can hardly keep my cool...

My Past

This posting for someone somewhere that unreal. I'm really really sure that i'm so regret cause i ever love or like someone that really really abstract and undefinte. Now i'm really really don't want to remember him again. I want to throw all of my memories of him. Throw it as far as i can. Enough for me to stop thinking about him. I don't want to thinking about him anymore eventhough just for a minute or a second. I recognize that i had ever loved him at the past. But, Why did i love or like him at the past? I didn't know the reason of love or like him. Because love doesn't need reason. For loving someone doesn't need reason, if you love someone and you know the reason why do you love him or her? It isn't love. Few moments or years or weeks ago, i still saved all the sms from him, the first sms that he ever sent to me until the last sms that he ever sent to me, but now there aren't any sms from him again, I don't want to being crazy cause hi...

I don't know

I don't know about my feeling now. I think i'm sad, but why do i sad? I don't have any reason to sad. I think I'm happy, but why do i happy? What can make me happy? Sometimes I cry, Sometimes I laugh, Sometimes I'm happy, Sometimes I'm sad But now i don't know the reason of my feeling... When i'm sad, i don't want, everyone know that i'm sad. and i don't know my feeling right now

Super Wonderful

Today is one of my wonderful day in my life. Why? Because today i did something that i haven't ever do in my life. What is it? I was ngubek2 sampah organic today.... It was the first time for me to play with sampah. And it was so disgusting...But i feel happy to do that....i'm sure that I feel happy to do that :D Sampah organik Gw jadi kyk terobsesi sama sampah gtu dhe.... Istirahat gw bareng2 beberapa tmn gw, meneliti bak2 sampah yang ada di sekolah, tiap tempat sampah dibukain satu per satu, diliatin dalemnya ada apa aja. Terus mencari sampah organik dhe dari satu tmpt smph ke tmpt smpah lainnya, hohohoho.... Tiap kali ngeliat daun jatuh ke jalan, langsung dhe dipungut diambil lalu diletakkan ke dalam kantong plastik item yang kita bawa2, setiap kali ngeliat orang buang sampah, mata gw langsung berbinar-binar gitu kyk lagi ngeliat duit 1 M, ngeliat daun jatuh kayak ngeliat duit jatuh, ngeliat tempat sampah kayak ngeliat bank yang isinya duit...hahhahaha.... Teru...

That song makes my tear drops

Pasti bagi setiap orang pnya lagu masing-masing yang sangat berkesan di hati, dan ketika mendengarkan lagu itu, bisa secara tiba-tiba meneteskan air mata. Jujur aj gw dlu juga ad tuh lagu yang baru gw denger dikit nadanya langsung keluar air mata secara tiba-tiba, secara otomatis dan tanpa rekayasa. Tapi gw berusaha untuk gk meneteskan air mata lagi ketika mendengarkan lagu itu, gw berusaha keras, gw dengerin ampe gw kebal dengerin tuh lagu, gw dengerin ampe air mata gw kering denger tuh lagu. Dan hasilnya gw berhasil lho. Yeah…I’m success….Lagu itu bagus, jadi ngapain gw nangis pas denger tuh lagu, g guna bgt kan, ngapain gw nangis2 g jelas gtu pas denger tuh lagu, tuh lagu bagus yang bawain, juga keren2,, band yang terkenal dan personilnya oke2. So kenapa gw musti nangis?g ad reason kan? G jelas gitu, jadi gw bertekad untuk gk nangis lagi setiap dengerin lagu itu, seberapa pun banyaknya kenangan gw yang ada sama lagu itu, gw harus g boleh nangis lagi. Dan semenjak itu gw g pernah nan...

Nobody’s know

Gk ada satu pun orang yang tau kapan kita mati, dmana kita mati, pada saat apa kita mati. Ya itulah rahasia hidup yang Diatas. Kita sebagai manusia hanya bisa berjaga-jaga setiap saat, karena kita ga tau kapan saatnya kita dipanggil sama Tuhan. Kita harus selalu siap untuk dapat mempertanggung jawabkan semua apa yang telah kita perbuat di dunia ini, baik buruknya. Mempertanggungjawabkan segala perbuatan kita yang telah kita lakukan selama hidup di dunia ini. Merupakan suatu yang tidak mudah. Maka dari itu, kita harus selalu berbuat baik dalam setiap apapun yang kita lakukan di dunia ini, karena kita tidak akan pernah tau, kapan waktu itu tiba. Kapan saja dan dimana saja, jika Tuhan sudah menghendaki seseorang itu untuk kembali pada-Nya, maka itu akan terjadi. Lamanya waktu kita ada di dunia ini hanya Dialah yang mengetahuinya. Waktu itu gw pernah denger cerita, sewaktu seseorang belum sempet membahagiakan keluarganya, dya terlebih dahulu udah dipanggil sama yang Diatas. Terus gw juga p...

Gk jelas bgt

Gw lagi g tau mau nulis apa, mau ngomong ap, mau ngetik apa, mau mikir apa, mau ngapain. Gw bener-bener lagi blank......Zzzzzzzz G tau sebabnya kenapa yang jelas lagi males ngapa-ngapain. Main game: males Main piano: males Main sma temen: males juga Pergi: juga males... Bener-bener lagi males ngapa-ngapain, tidur juga gw males.. Ngerjain pr juga males, nonton juga males.... Kenapa ya gw jadi gini? Mungkin gw lagi kehilangan sesuatu yang menjadi inspirasi hidup gw. Tapi apa itu? Apa yang menjadi inspirasi hidup gw selama ini? Jawabannya adalah: gw juga gtw jawabannya apa. Aduh g jelas bgt nh gw. ... Mau ngapa-ngapain bawaannya males, makan juga males.. G biasanya gw males makan, males main...biasanya tuh gw paling semangat-semangatnya main sama makan.. Setiap hari jumat pagi dari gw bangun tidur yang ada dalam pikiran gw hanyalah: gw pengen cepet-cepet pulang ke rmh terus main game, naik lvl, vending, nempa, jalanin quest, gb pet, nyari diamond, nyari ruby, crystal, shout di tengah kota...