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Showing posts from August, 2009

Between 2 Choices

Which one that mostly I love? Sleep or study? Oh wrong, not study, but playing computer. So, what should i choose now? Sleep or Playing computer? I want sleep but I want to play too. I want to play but I want to sleep too. I think I want to sleep when I am playing computer. Or I think I want to playing computer when I am sleeping. OK, Now, My mind is getting become perplexing. So I choose to eat or watching tv. OK, see you in the next posting, bye2...

Story About Today

Tadinya nh ya, pas gw lagi baru mulai nulis judul postingan kali ini, gw mau nulis nh postingan pake bahasa inggris. Tapinya, tiba2 pas gw lagi nulis judul gw disuruh nykp buat ngambil jemuran di halaman, eh terus jemurannya itu jatuh nimpa gw. Oh, damn shalalala dhe ih..hahhaa Ya udah dhe jadinya sekarang mau tidak mau nulisnya pake bahasa indonesia aja dlu dhe. Jadi hari ini, entah mengapa dan bagaimana caranya, gw bangun pagi hari ini. Yang biasanya bangunnya jam 5.30 am, tadi gw bisa bangun jam 5 am, padahal lagi gk ada ulangan hari ini. Bisa-bisanya gitu gw bangun jam segitu, biasanya gw bangun jam 5 itu kalo ada ulangan aja, itu pun biasanya mls bgt, dan malah nerusin tidur lagi, tapi khusus hari ini gk. Ya udah dhe, gw langsung mandi, dan pergi ke sekolah. Seperti biasanya gw selalu ngantuk dan tidak bersemangat buat pergi ke sekolah. Jadi semenjak tahun ajaran kali ini, gw tuh dtg ke sekolah lalu kemudian bersekolah hanya untuk formalitas dan untuk take my responsibility to my ...

Problem with Link in My blog

Today i tried to change my templates in my blog with templates from another site. But the result so Horrible. All of my link that contents of Links of my friends are lost. I was so stressful. And i tried to put all of links of my friends to my blog again. And the result is some links of my friends are successfully back to my blog, but i feel some links of my friends have been lost from my blog. So, Everyone that have blog, and want me to put your link of blog in my blogspot, let's tell it to me, thx.


hahaha...hari ini gw lagi agak emosian bgt nh, huahahha...ampe ngamuk( kata anak2 osis tadi pas rapat).hehehe. Gw sh jujur aja, gw gk ngamuk, gw cuma gk suka banget sama sistem yang sekarang. Sistem election yang sekarang itu bener2 weird bgt dhe menurut gw. Cuma di sistem yang sekarang, anak baru bisa jadi Ketua osis, cuma sistem yang sekarang, anak kelas 10 yang baru yang gk ikut mos (mksdnya mos yang sebelum msk itu, bukan mos susulan mksdnya) bisa jadi wakil ketua osis yang baru. Cuma di sistem election kali ini yang kampanyenya cuma sehari dan pada saat habis kampanye itu, kita harus langsung nentuin pilihan kita. Cuma election kali ini yang gk make hall untuk acara puncak election. Cuma di sistem election kali ini ada 1 kelas dan 2/3 guru yang belum ngasih suara dalam pemilihan ini, tapi udah bisa ditentuin siapa pemenangnya.Katanya sh denger2 gitu ada yang bilang, yang penting jumlah suara 90% udah masuk dan udah kebanyakan milih "itu orang", jadi ya udah, gk apa2. Par...


Now i feel rather confuse. I've already forget about it, for several months. But why something that i've already forget, start to back on my mind? I don't want it back. I want to erase it, forever. I don't like to feel in trouble like now. It's so uncomfortable for me. Please, go from my mind and never come back again. If it come back again, i hope i can smile and laugh and happy because it.:D I hope everything is gonna be alright, the most important thing is my mood gonna be alright as soon as possible.

I don't know...

Huh, i feel so confuse now. Because of something that i don't know and understand. This time, the system of election in my school are really different than last year. I think, this time not really democratic, because of the teachers just choosed their 2 best students from their class, and then the 2 best students will take the audition to become the candidate of president and vice president osis. I think this system so unfair. WHY? Because last year, when i become a candidate of vice president osis, I must took many interviews with many people such as: principal of gps, student affair of gps, almost all of osis member (osis 2007-2008) and plus, one person (the graduated student from first batch shgps). And then I must took some writing test to measured the capability of my brain. If my memory save correctly the test took about 3 or 2 hours. And then when i had been choosed as a candidate of vice president, i must took some interviews with some osis members after school until 5 pm. ...


Aduh posting kali ini, gk pake bahasa inggris dlu ya, lg in the bad mood bgt nh ah..hahhaha Sorry ya, gk pake bahasa inggris, in the next posting dhe, atau gk, posting yg kali ini gado2 language aj. Atau apa deh gitu. Ah, pokoknya gw lagi bad mood deh ah, entah karena ap, atau bagaimana caranya, atau gimana atau apalah itu. Yang jelas gw lg bad mood. Gw pengen nulis, alasan kenapa gw bad mood, tapi itu susah bgt buat ditulisnya. Ya pokoknya, gw lg ngerasa gk adil, kesel, sebel atau apalah itu. Gini dhe, kalo misalnya kamu2 yang baca tulisan gw ini, mengalami hal yang kayak gw, jadi semua temen2 lw berada di kelas yang sama, dan cuma lw doang yang gk sekelas sama mereka, aduh, agak gmn gitu kan rasanya, ngerasa gk adil-lah atau whateverlah itu. Ya bknnya gw lebay atau ap, gw sh udah mencoba untuk menjalankan hari2 seperti biasanya, dan ya seperti keadaan normal biasanya. Ya normal2 aj sh. Tapi kadang kan pasti ada saatnya ngerasa iri sma tmn2 semua itu yang sekelas. Gw sh udah gk begitu...

If i were a boy for one day

Sometimes i think i want to become a boy. Become a boy is easier than become a girl i think, because many reasons of that. Now i think, i want to be a boy for one day or forever. Sometimes I was jealous with many boys, they looked more free than girls. They can do anything that he wants to do. They can go to wherever they want without many advices from their parents. They don't feel the illness of menstruation every month..hahhaha And the most important that they are more have freedom than girls. hahhaa... But i'm so thankful to God that He created me as a girl. Thanks God..:D


Hope is something that simple. But the the deeply meaning of that not simple like that. With hope, you can do something that impossible. If you believe that your hope can become a reality, your hope will come true. I believe in my hope. And i will try to make it real.

Lazy to do everything

Today, I wake up late, and I felt so lazy to went to school. I thought that, for what i go to school? There are so many answer about that. But i didn't want to go to school today. I want to sleep as long as i can. Sometimes i think that i want to sleep forever. Sleep forever, same as dead. Maybe, i don't want to sleep forever now, but i just want to sleep as long as i can.

Master Piece Creation :P

The Evidence By: Ferdinandus Kurniadi Tornado and Sparklight (Night View from Bianglala) By: Gendis Freyona & Sathya Prastika Tornado (Night View From Bianglala) By: Gendis Freyona & Sathya Prastika Lollipop (for Dinda&Putri) By: Gendis Freyona Together in front of Merry go Round By: Sam Evo Christio Sparklight (Night View From Bianglala) By: Gendis Freyona Merry go Round (Night view) By: Gendis Freyona Rajawali By: Ida Bagus Wikan Vina & Evo on the Burung Tempur By: Gendis Freyona Vina & Evo on the Burung Tempur (with the sky view) By: Gendis Freyona Tika & Ferdi on The Burung Tempur By: Gendis Freyona Tornado By: Ida Bagus Wikan Sathya Prastika By: Aristo Pratama Endiera Ferdinandus Kurniadi By: Aristo Pratama Endiera Flowers By: Ida Bagus Wikan White Rose By: Ida Bagus Wikan Red and White Rose By: Ida Bagus Wikan

Very Wonderful day

Jadi, hari jumat kemarin. Gw pergi ke ancol sama 11 orang temen2 gw. Kalo diitung sma gwnya, jadi kita ber-12 pergi ke sono. Ke 11 orang itu adalah: 1. Sathya Prastika ( Patung Buddha) 2. Ferdinandus Kurniadi ( Si juragan NGILER) 3. Ida Bagus Wikan ( Tengkorak berjalan) 4. Sheila Ratna Kemala ( Iseng couple with Doni) 5. Doni Julian ( Iseng Couple with Ella) 6. Julius Dharmawan ( Si Jupe..hehehe) 7. Hanif Prasetyo Kusumo (Cool...) 8. Aristo Pratama Endiera (Kk autis) 9. Aldo Fadillah ( Agressive..) 10. Sam Evo Christio Posumah (Lemooott..) 11. Vina Manasye Handoyo ( Ontaaa) 12. Gendis Freyona ( Lola, loading lama) hahahhahaha...MAAFKAN SAYA YA TEMAN2KU YANG TERCINTA dan SETANAH AIR Julukan2 itu hanya untuk LUCU2AN aja kok, MOHON TIDAK ADA YANG TERSINGGUNG I LOVE YOU ALL VERY MUCH... Jadi awalnya kita ngumpul di sklh kita yang tercinta tapi bohong itu, sekitar jam 9an lewat, udh pada ngumpul semua tuh. Lalu kita b erangkat dhe. Dengan menggunakan 3 mobil. Mobil Alphardnya tika: Tika, Ar...

Hair fall

This is my biggest problem now. My hair fall, every minute in the big amount. Before this problem, my hair was so thick, but now, my hair so thin, and almost BOLD. Oh no..... What things that made me like this? I don't know what. And tomorrow, if my hair don't stop to fall. My mother will cut my hair, so i have short hair. And for me, have short hair same as lost a half of my life. AND I WOULDN'T DO THAT

Feel so tired

This week was full of activites for me, start from weekly test, this week is weekly test. I must studied for weekly test, because i don't like remedial. Eventhough this week, i was so lazy to study, but i must study. And today, is independence day celebration at my school, so i prepared for that. Before today, i have done the preparation for it. So, this week is full of activites for me and another osis committee. But i'm happy to do that, because this event is the last event for me. Because I will not join osis, for this academic year. I want to participate in many academic or non academic competitions, for my future. But i still confuse about many things that happened in my life. There are so many things that i can't explain with words. I just really don't understand about it. And i don't know why my parents are so over protective to me. I know that i'm the only one child in my family, but i don't want to being like this. I can't get my freedom in my l...

Pig oh Pig

Okay yesterday i didn't write in this blog because i was so busy. Now, i just want to update my story in this blog. Yesterday i have done my chemistry test, and i can do it..:D..yeah...hahahha But i did some mistakes, eventhough maybe it's only one number. i can't get perfect score. But i can get the best score that i can get from that test, and i'm sure about that.:D And yesterday i did swine influenza assignment, for Indonesian assignment. I looked for many photos of pig and many articles of pig. Yesterday my day full of PIG....


Okay, today i was learning chemistry for tomorrow exam. I'm rather worry with chemistry, because i didn't join the chemistry class for 3 or 4 hours. I don't want to take remedial in this lesson because i love chemistry (huahahahha, i'm not sure). The reason that i must love chemistry eventhough i don't love it because i will take food technology or pure chemistry or something that have connection with chemistry for my destination at university later. I must can do chemistry exam tomorrow, i must do it well. I hope i can do it with all my best. I'll try to do my best...:D

Last duty

Maybe yesterday was my last duty as an osis member to go outside school. I still have duty, to do independent day event. Okay, I will tell a story about yesterday. The osis member who went to binus university are Evi, Putri, Ratih, Yuga and me. There was one teacher, he is counselling teacher, his name is Mr.Andreas. We went to there to attend "future leader change seminar" (if my memory save correctly). There are so many people. As you known that, mostly student in binus university are chinesse. So at there i can attend the seminary and washing eyes. hahahha... There are so many handsome people at there. So i can washing eyes easily.hehehe Every corner at there, there were so many handsome people. And at there i met my old friend, he is my elementary school friend. At there, there was a moment that the moderator of seminar, told all of the participant of seminar to do a presentation, or campaign something that important. So my school choose a topic. The topic is, "Posit...

Don't judge a book only by it's cover

I like that statement. I think that statement is good enough. Don't look a person only by her or his outer performance. You will not known a person before you know the inside of that person. So, based on my opinion, ineer beauty is more important than outer beauty, but i don't say that outer beauty is not important.(this topic already i type in another posting in this blog). For me, i don't see someone only by their outer, but also their ineer. I think, we may not valued someone by only see their outer, we must know the inside of someone and than valued them. Sometimes, outer can recover everything that can't see with eyes. And outer can erase by the time. But inside will stay in our body forever until we leave this body.


Yeahhh, finally...everything is alright The important thing is my friendship.... It's alright and no revenge around us.. I hope our friendship can stay for a long time.. I hope we can be forever friends..:D And no more problems around us... Peace..... I Love You Friends.....

Mein Kampf

I bought this book for History Assignment. My history teacher, Mrs. Sari told us that we must read a book for 1 semester or 6 months. The book must have connection with History, history of world or history of Indonesian. And I choose "Mein Kampf Vol.1" for the assignment. Why I choose "Mein Kampf Vol.1"? My reason is because the writer or the creator of this is Adolf Hitler . Adolf Hitler is a historic person that very popular. He brought many things to this world when he still alive. And i think i must know about his opinion, his strategic, his life and many think about him. He is an interesting person that I MUST KNOW. Oh ya, I'll read Mein Kampf Vol.2 after i already read this book.

Hope something

I hope everything is gona be alright tomorrow. The most important thing is my friendship with "it". I want, we can do everything together like usual. We can share our problems, stories of life, and everything together. No revenge between us. And everything become back like usual.